Friday 23 March 2012

blog headers & background

these are all examples of previous blog headers i've had. i used a cath kidston pattern (rose sprig) and made them all in photoshop. as you can see, they've all developed from the one before them and i think that they get better as they go along. however, i wanted to create a header that was more ME, and not use a designers pattern or use their style. i wanted to create my own style. i've always liked the colour turquoise and think it's such a lovely colour and would look great on a blog or website, i decided to make another header more to my taste and using my favourite colour.
this is the design i came up with. i really like the simplicity of it and think it works well with the theme of my blog and looks a lot better with my work than the other floral headers.
this is a copy of my background. i also made this in photoshop and used the same colour as my header. i found the image of a swallow on google and changed the colour of it to white (it was originally black) as i thought white looked a lot better on my blog. as you can see, there is a larger gap in the middle of the pattern, this was made because i had tested the background on my blog but you couldn't see the swallows because of the alignment so seperated the swallows down the middle with a bigger gap than the other columns and now you can see the swallows at the side of my page:).