Tuesday 27 March 2012

product design-flushhh toilet

graphically designed poster for a made-up product as part of the product design unit.

flushhh is a silent toilet cubicle that enables the user to do their business without having to worry about anyone on the outside hearing them.
the idea came from my hate of public toilets as i hate the thought of people listening to me wee and i refuse to go to toilet unless i'm alone, HA! i also find it disgusting when people just walk out of public toilets without washing their hands (minging!!!) which led us onto the next idea of flushhh toilets: to unlock the door, the user must place their hand under a hand sanitizer which is located in the actual door. only when the user has received the sanitizer then the door will open. we thought about how the users would LOCK the door and thought that it could automatically lock once closed and only unlock once the hand sanitizer has been distrubuted to the user.
obviously this is just a concept idea and i don't think it would ever be possible to actually make, but i think it's a brilliant idea, especially for those weirdos out there (like me!) who don't like using public toilets or those who find it disgusting when some people don't wash their hands!
we came up with the name flushhh by brainstorming for different brand names. flushhh is obviously what you do to a toilet and the end of it (shhh) indicates the silence of the toilet.
landscape version of poster

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