Friday 23 March 2012

website review-daisy fletcher

daisy fletcher has a beautiful website. i really love her style of work and find it really imaginative and unique.
although i love her work, i wasn't keen on the homepage of her website. i found it very confusing to look at and was unsure of what i had to do to naviagate around her site. however, once i got the hang of it, i found the way her porfolio was presented, was really really nice. i also liked the colour scheme she's used, i think keeping it plain and simple really made her work stand out.
you can find daisy fletchers website here

1 comment:

  1. Hi girl!
    I'm happy I came to spyy our blog as well becuse it really appeals to me!liked it a lot!

    I'm your new follower and would love to have you with me as well!
    have the nicest weekend!
