Friday 4 May 2012

illustration for website!

this is an illustration i did today for my portfolio website i'm creating in the web design unit at college.
i first drew out my design, took a picture and edited it in photoshop. i originally planned for it to be just  a line drawing (see below) but i really liked the look of it once i had coloured it in.

Monday 30 April 2012

final project update! (again!)

another update on my final project for college!
i took the designs i had made on the previous post and adapted them to fit packaging. so far i've only created two prototype models for pencil crayons and strawberry bon bons, and i'm currently working on some for mint humbugs, lemon sherberts, keyrings and possibly fridge magnets and tote bags.

i really like the designs i've come up with as i think they're bright and eye-catching.
the strawberry bon bons packaging has two windows at either side of the box so the consumer can see the amount of sweets left. i aim to do this on all confectionery products as i think it adds a different and unique touch.

let me know what you think:)

Tuesday 17 April 2012

final project update!

update for final project at college:)!

these are images i've created on photoshop as part of my final project. the stripes are meant to represent those striped paper bags you get sweeties in at the seaside.
they're currently unfinished and need a bit more tweaking but i like them so far:)

Sunday 8 April 2012

illustration for wix site

i doodled this in my sketchbook, took a picture of it and edited it in photoshop using levels and neatened it up at bit:)
this will be on my "about me" page on my site as it's supposed to be me and my doggy:):)

maoam birdieeee

this was created as part of my 3D sculptures unit.
i made it by moulding balls of paper together and sticking them with masking tape. when i was happy with the shape i then covered the model in blue tissue paper as a base layer. i then created legs using thin wire and twisted them together to make them stronger, i made small holes in the model and poked the legs in, i used a glue gun to secure the legs. once the base layer was dry, i covered the bird in maoam wrappers, i tried to make it look like a robin and i think it works really well :)

Monday 2 April 2012

computer keyboard ring!

this was made as part of the 3D sculptures unit at college. for this part of the unit we had to make jewellery from recycled objects/rubbish. i made this using the L key from a computer keyboard and attached it to a piece i found on a radio.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

product design-flushhh toilet

graphically designed poster for a made-up product as part of the product design unit.

flushhh is a silent toilet cubicle that enables the user to do their business without having to worry about anyone on the outside hearing them.
the idea came from my hate of public toilets as i hate the thought of people listening to me wee and i refuse to go to toilet unless i'm alone, HA! i also find it disgusting when people just walk out of public toilets without washing their hands (minging!!!) which led us onto the next idea of flushhh toilets: to unlock the door, the user must place their hand under a hand sanitizer which is located in the actual door. only when the user has received the sanitizer then the door will open. we thought about how the users would LOCK the door and thought that it could automatically lock once closed and only unlock once the hand sanitizer has been distrubuted to the user.
obviously this is just a concept idea and i don't think it would ever be possible to actually make, but i think it's a brilliant idea, especially for those weirdos out there (like me!) who don't like using public toilets or those who find it disgusting when some people don't wash their hands!
we came up with the name flushhh by brainstorming for different brand names. flushhh is obviously what you do to a toilet and the end of it (shhh) indicates the silence of the toilet.
landscape version of poster

Friday 23 March 2012

hydrophobia-the fear of water (updated)

this was the image i chose to use for my fear of water piece. however, i've had another play around on photoshop and came up with a new image:
i prefer this image as it doesn't have the rippled effect (which i now think looks silly) and i also prefer the high contrast of the model and the deep background. you can also see the panic in his face more clearly as opposed to the first one.

blog headers & background

these are all examples of previous blog headers i've had. i used a cath kidston pattern (rose sprig) and made them all in photoshop. as you can see, they've all developed from the one before them and i think that they get better as they go along. however, i wanted to create a header that was more ME, and not use a designers pattern or use their style. i wanted to create my own style. i've always liked the colour turquoise and think it's such a lovely colour and would look great on a blog or website, i decided to make another header more to my taste and using my favourite colour.
this is the design i came up with. i really like the simplicity of it and think it works well with the theme of my blog and looks a lot better with my work than the other floral headers.
this is a copy of my background. i also made this in photoshop and used the same colour as my header. i found the image of a swallow on google and changed the colour of it to white (it was originally black) as i thought white looked a lot better on my blog. as you can see, there is a larger gap in the middle of the pattern, this was made because i had tested the background on my blog but you couldn't see the swallows because of the alignment so seperated the swallows down the middle with a bigger gap than the other columns and now you can see the swallows at the side of my page:).

website review-daisy fletcher

daisy fletcher has a beautiful website. i really love her style of work and find it really imaginative and unique.
although i love her work, i wasn't keen on the homepage of her website. i found it very confusing to look at and was unsure of what i had to do to naviagate around her site. however, once i got the hang of it, i found the way her porfolio was presented, was really really nice. i also liked the colour scheme she's used, i think keeping it plain and simple really made her work stand out.
you can find daisy fletchers website here